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ICDPA 2021 | June 19-21, 2021 | Virtual Conference

Conference Information

The 7th ICDPA 2021 was held via online successfully during June 19-21, 2021 as a workshop of the 11th WCSE 2021.
6月19-21日,作为WCSE的分会研讨,第七届数据处理与应用国际会议( ICDPA 2021) 成功落下帷幕由于COVID-19的传播,考虑到与会人员的安全,本次大会特采用线上会议的形式进行行业间的学术交流,并取得圆满成功。

After the conference test, the conference started on June 20 morning via the opening remarks of Prof. Hong Lin, University of Houston-Downtown. The IEEE and IEICE Fellow, Prof. Ryuji Kohno from Yokohama National University, Japan and Prof. Koichi Asatani, Shanghai University, China delivered the keynote speech.
经过6月19日一整天的线上会议功能测试,6月20日,WCSE 2021 正式拉开帷幕。大会主席,休斯顿大学的林红教授致开幕辞,林教授对参会者表示热烈的欢迎,对大会的协助单位,委员会成员表示感谢、对大会的召开表示衷心祝愿。紧接着IEEE and IEICE Fellow,日本横滨国立大学的来自华东师范大学的Ryuji Kohno教授,上海大学的Koichi Asatani教授分别作出精彩主旨报告。

On June 20 afternoon, parallel sessions was held until June 21, and main discussed about Software and Information Security, Image Analysis and Processing, Information Science and Engineering, Virtual Technology and Multimedia, Intelligent Algorithm and Mathematical Calculation, Communication and Signal System, Power Engineering and Intelligent Control Technology etc. 7 best oral presenters was selected after each sessions. Congratulations.

Bo Hao
Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, China
Jiajun Zhao
Tongji University, China
Anthony D. Aquino
FEU Institute of Technology, Philippines
Ma. Corazon G. Fernando
FEU Institute of Technology, Philippines
Zhen Liu
Fudan University, China
Jianqiu Xiong
Hunan University, China
Jiawei Kang
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Conference Proceedings

Accepted and registered papers of ICDPA 2021 were published in WCSE proceedings as a workshop. ISBN: 978-981-18-1791-5

Index: EI Compendex and SCOPUS